365id & TL International group ltd
special offer
Stop fake ID documents and speed up each rental by up to 2 minutes

Stop fake ID documents and speed up each rental by up to 2 minutes
Our ID verification solutions speed up your customer onboarding by transferring the correct data directly to your business system. The driving license and ID document are scanned and verified – making the entire process safe and reliable.
Our complete ecosystem of ID verification solutions offers both physical ID scanners and online ID verification.
Whether you want to use our physical ID scanners, ID App, or SDK we have the solution. Our infrastructure and ecosystem make it possible to use different devices to collect data, verify and transfer information.
Customer identification is today a legal requirement for many industries, so-called “know you customer”, which are guidelines for organizations and companies to stop money laundering and financing of illegal activities.
I will be more than happy to assist you if you have any questions or other enquiries. Contact me through the form or use the contact info below.
+46 10-12 21 903