With an ID verification solution from 365id, the correct customer information is transferred quickly, easily, and securely to your existing business system for further processing.
Faster customer process
Improved customer experience
Secure customer onboarding
About the 365id & Sixt Cobra integration
The 365id Scanner integrated with your Sixt Cobra application enables the scanner to automatically insert textual information from scanned driving licenses and passports into your Sixt Cobra application.
In addition, and included in the Sixt Cobra software package, a notification can be presented in the web browser (Google Chrome) that shows the verification result of the last scanned documents.
The 365id Integration adds information from the scanned ID documents into the following pages into Sixt Cobra:
Rental Agreement – Check out
Reservation – Reservation System
NOTE – For the information to be filled in correctly, one of the above pages must be active within three minutes from the scan of the ID document. This is a security measure to avoid the information being filled into the wrong customer’s booking.
I will be more than happy to assist you if you have any questions or other enquiries. Contact me through the form or use the contact info below.
+46 10-12 21 903